Sunday, February 15, 2009

a little more random

Co sent a Valentine/Birthday box.
The Sapulpa promo video is GOLD.
Dylan was stocked with his mac and cheese.
Thumbs up for graham crackers.
Hours later D still had a grip on his mac and cheese packet even while trying to eat lunch.
The greatest graffiti i've ever seen.
We got held up trying to cross a street y a couple hundred roller bladers.
Dylan waits in the rain.


Julia said...

Cool! Two boxes in one week!? Wow! :) What was up with all the roller bladers...I mean, why were they in a pack? haha, RANDOM!

Andrea Adams said...

Ping Pong is the jam-and I am glad it is being said via street art.
Whats on the Sapulpa dvd? Possibilities are endless...Loved the art!

Enjoy the holiday break!!