Dylan had two days of waiting for the other kids in the snow.

He kept it moving to keep warm.

Liam lost a glove and ended up wearing mine.

It was so cold on Tuesday that D ate his cheese sandwich on the fly, we were worried it would freeze before we made it home.

Snow!! Le Bataclan is the colorful building in the background.

Weird, an empty corridor in the metro. It reminds me of the shots of an empty London in 28 Days Later.

Dylan rocking the new ipod while he waits.

Liam on the ice. This time wearing one of my back up gloves.

Somedays Dylan likes to laze about in bed.

Lots of work and fights were focused on the new puzzle. This is not a fight. Liam got into the habit of putting pieces in his pocket that he didn't want Chloe to use, seems logical.

This is how cold it was in the apartment this week, the glass ceiling is a blessing but mostly a curse.

More puzzle time.

Liam actually asked for a haircut.

Double thumbs for the result.

And double thumbs for the completion of the puzzle.

Finally done.

Getting down to the MGMT video for Time to Pretend, Liam love the part where the dude rides the cat.

Gretchen took a picture of my awesome new camera, thanks Co!
I love skeleton gloves! Awesome!
That puzzle looks crazy, good job!
Hooray for new cameras and haircuts!
I wish i had mario pjs. those rule.
Whats up that secret ladder?!
Yippee for puzzles! I like to hide a puzzle piece so i can be the one to finish a puzzle when others participate so i totally understand, Liam! I feel like that should be a postsecret confession.
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