Monday, January 12, 2009

Natural History Monday

The plan was for D and I to meet Chloe's class at the Natural History Museum, did you know that there are two Natural History Museums within one block of each other? Neither did I, This is the wrong one.
We've just walked into a room full of bones, D doesn't know what to think.
Still taking it in.
Cases full of bones.
Orangutan dissected and plasticized.
Jars of brains.
Mr. Mastodon Farm
Dylan contemplates the mastodon.
D and the giant prehistoric bear.
Taking a short break.
Looking for Chloe.
D checking out the dinosaur room.
And the horse wins by a nose. Is that a horse.
Monkey skulls.
Human skull
Gorilla skull.
Two headed lamb.
Cyclopes cat.
We finally made it to the right museum, Chloe was pleased.
Chloe draws a porcupine.
D and the hippo.
Dylan thought everyone was suppose to sit down.
Chloe and the girls.
It's a parade.
Elephants to the front.
Gare d' Austerlitz has really long escalators.
We beat the bus back to school.
D was tired.
While we were off at the museum Liam's class made king cake, he took his cooking spoon with him.

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