We had to make a sweet sign for New years.

Chloe decided it was a hat occasion.

Dylan wasn't sure about his headwear.

Liam working on the sign, he insisted that the hippo be wearing a hat and have paper on its back.

Dylan decided the hat was cool.

Liam had to check his out in the bathroom mirror.

We had a good spread.

Becca even got a hat.

Even with the chin strap Liam had a hard time keeping his hat on.

Chloe breakin it down for Becca.

I was also having a good time.

a very good time.

Dylan started getting tired.

Caleb rocked most of the evening.

Gretchen appreciated the sign.

Becca had never experienced the awesomeness of Schoolhouse Rocks.

Here they are doing the fives.

Yes Liam has a hippo on his hat and Gretchen can't keep up.

At some point there was dancing.

As it got closer to midnight there were just a few of us wearing party hats.

Without smiling Liam explains the hippo.

Liam had to check his watch for the countdown.

Happy New Year!!

This is moments before someone started winging confetti at people.

Whoa, time for bed.
Love it! I wish I was at your party...looks like yall had fun! :) I like the hats too! I hope I get one when I come visit! Tell the kids hello from the yellow haired cousin who now has dark hair. haha.
oops...that last comment was from me (jules) not Zac.
Wow, your New Year's Celebration was way cooler then mine!
Read your article, if I just would say: very good, it is somewhat insufficient, but I am
still tempted to say: really good!
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