Liam announced that open day was "the best day ever". French schools don't allow parents in to just hang out or visit with teachers or come by for parties so a chance to see the kids in their school environment is a real treat. Here Chloe and her friends get ready to put on a play they wrote.

Mama and D are excited.

The plays were pretty funny.

Moments before this picture Liam burst in, scanned the room, found us and announced that the food group songs were about to begin and we had to be there for the start all the while giving us an exaggerated "come on" gesture.

Someone drew a carrot.

Liam's group prepares to sing.

Violin class.

Liam doesn't have a question, he just wants to tell the teacher that there is an empty cushion.

Liam was a little excited.

Bow in hand. Note that he isn't supposed to be looking at us.

Job well done.

Dylan loved the performance.

Math games.

Chloe, calm amid the chaos.

Waiting for reading buddies.

The blond headed kid is pouting because Liam is hogging the kindergartner.


Liam is over it.

Waiting for French class.

The Australian kid beside Liam shares my name, Liam thinks that is hilarious.

Volunteering to be a rabbit.


We ended the dy with a little park time.
That's so cool that they did an "open day!" The kids looked so happy to show off their school and abilities. You have some precious kiddos! :)
Very neat to see a sneak peek into their schooling and that Collette was able to be there for it! Thats pretty impressive to have violins so young. Liam is so damn cute. As are all your kids!! You should have someone else takeover the camera for a little bit, the Mark ratio in photos is way off!!
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