Outside the Louvre with the famous parisian "awt dog", these ass hats split one.

Phil smash!!

Heck no I don't want just half.


There you go.

Hey Caesar, High Five!!

What is it Phil?

The shocker, fine art edition.

Biggest wine glass ever.

Working on the cover for their new '80's synth band cover.

Jesus is pissed that lady is selling bootleg shirts to his Calvary tour.

One of Phil's ex-girlfriends.

Mona Lisa smiles with the Mona Lisa.

It's kinda loud in the Mona Lisa room, Salle 6.

D appreciating art.

The old masters knew the awesomeness of the mullet.


Jenny taking pictures.

There are so many things wrong with this. I would be remiss if i didn't say "that's a splitting headache".

Junkie Jesus.

Phil de milo

Jenny and Venus.

That's art.

We weren't allowed to look at this stuff.


Hey RJ, check out this fancy sword.

Phil looking for the Grail.

D squattin in the corner.

Phil getting the run down.

The infamous butt five, it's a little more awkward on the streets of Paris.

Phil tackles the Grande Frites.
OMG you spotted the shocker in the Louvre!
Haha, I love how when you have company...the content of your blog posts automatically goes from "G" to "PG-13"
No, but really, it is awesome to see y'all having so much fun with old friends! :) Can't wait to see more pics!!
Aw, I see my classy husband has beaten me to the "shocker" comment punch. ~Tatem :)
I love all the art interaction! Butt fives? Those haven't caught on in the states but one can only hope!
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