Thursday was book day at E.A.B. Victor Hugo, instead of the requisite uniform the kids could dress as their favorite author or character from a book. Chloe had decided on her character three weeks ago, Liam was indifferent until the day before when he decided the world would end if he couldn't dress up as Elmer the elephant. Luckily he was open to a loose interpretation of Elmer.

Chloe, having recently read
Around the World in 80 Days, was Phileas Fogg. A note on the mustache, I don't know if you've ever been mustache shopping but the costume shop near Republique easily had 100 to choose from. We decided not to do the expensive ones made from human hair. Chloe's first choice was roughly the sive of a squirrel and would have covered her from nose to neck and wrapped aroud her head twice.

Thank the Lord Liam didn't insist that we find something patchwork, colorful was good enough for him.

I can't tell you how long it took me to convince him not to wear the mask on the metro.

okay, forget the moustache, where did you find that elephant mask? that's somethin'...
Love it, love it, love it! :)
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