Gretchen's Law Firm's softball game was the funniest thing i've seen in France so far. Three people actually knew the rules, G and I being two of the three. They weren't big on stepping on the bases, except for this dude. He also spoke only French and cursed only in English.

Charlotte is technically british which might explain the cricket style batting technique.

This is the follow through, can you imagine the pitch?

Showin 'em what's up.

Lookin to steal.

JEAN-FRANCOISE!! Long sleeve dude is probably explaining that he shouldn't run that way. The first batter ran the wrong way. Later in the game a batter noticed that there was already a runner on first so he ran straight to second.

She's hauling ass because after she hit the ball she very gingerly bent down and placed he bat on the plate.

The dude in read is playing a new position between third and home.

Did I mention that the French will swing at anything? This dude is obviously jumping for a pitch but they will swing at pitches that bounce or take two or three steps to get to a wild pitch.

You almost expect them to be wearing scarves and smoking.

G gets another piece.

This is the dude that ran the wrong way. The guy in the red shirt ran the bases with the bat in his hands the entire time.

Gettin it done.
That is HILARIOUS! :) I wish I could have been there to watch. Haha, thanks for the great captions too. :)
You should have brought a boombox with some john cougar mellencamp to blast while Gretch went all American all over their asses Softball style.
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