Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween Box

Crap, i put these pictures in the wrong order. I'll just pretend like they are the way i wanted them. Dylan gets what he wants and gets out.
The kids dive in.
Dylan keeps a safe distance from the melee, Liam says Ooooh.
Liam is stoked that his name is on the card.
The halloween box is here. If you've talked to G lately you know she is jonesing for candy corn, there are three different kinds i this box. Liam is not pleased that Chloe's name is on the box.
Mid argument about whose box it is. It was enough of a problem that future boxes should probably not be addressed to either of these kids.
Chloe imediatly repurposes the box. It is now Sally's dog bed.
Whoops, same picture. Let me write something clever. Dylan discovers something else from the box.
Liam reads the card outloud.
Someone is going back on their meds.

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